Monday, February 6, 2012

Say What!?????

Sorry I haven't really posted much in the last week and half, I've been stressing over this Doctrine and Covenants midterm that I have to take and everyone says it's super hard. I've got several posts that are saved as drafts they're just not finished yet.

So I'm in my Writing 150 class (which I'm taking for the third time to get a 1% better grade to get into my major) and I'm reading my Perspectives on New Media as part of an assignment. My teacher told me to flip open to a random article and start reading. I turned instantly to this one entitled "Dear Students: Don't Let College Unplug Your Future." Instantly I thought that it could be interesting. Guess who wrote it. Dr. Gideon Burton. yeah that's right. I'm reading stuff from my Shakespeare teacher in my writing class about blogging and new media in general. WHAT!!!!!???


So I read the entire article and I have to say it completely changed my view on social media and especially on blogging. I've never been much of a blogger; I'm still not one even after having been in this class for a while. I found it profound that he addressed the exact thing that I was stressing over at the top of this post. College tests! You guys seriously need to read this article. It's really good. Oh and he used the word esoteric again, which I lol-ed in class at (which was really weird because everyone else was so quiet. Awkward)

The article also reminded me that I don't have to always listen to my communications teachers when they say you have to be careful what you post on the web. I can write informally here on this blog because that's where it's supposed to be. It won't be held against me when I go to apply for a job. That being said I did a ego google of myself. Didn't find much that wasn't connected to this blog. But then I did a ego google of my user name Skeggoms.

Sadly I found some things that I'm not proud of. Like that Flixster account I made when I was 12, and a Combat Arms online player profile I made when I went through my gaming phase. I've since deleted them as best as I can. Even though I've found those two negative things, I found many MANY more positive things. Like the link to my Youtube Channel where you can see things that I liked and even a fight video that I produced a little while ago as my application into the Advertising Program. I can see all the contributions to the social media world that I've made just my typing in my user name. CRAZY.

I then got the idea to ego google DR. GIDEON BURTON. Have you seen all the contributions this guy's made? holy Crap! He's got pages beyond pages of stuff. Also did you know that he has another professional blog? How many blogs does this guy have and how does he keep track of them all?

Professor Burton's article has actually inspired me, even though I'm not a blogger. I'm going to start up a blog/website for my fight choreography projects. The first one I did was my application, which if you haven't already checked out, you should. I've got millions of ideas about different film/theatre projects that have messages to them that I want to explore. I never thought about letting other people help me get more ideas because I've always been afraid someone would steal my own ideas. There comes a point where you have to stop being the old fashioned university and just make the leap onto the freedom of the webby internets. And yes I'll be using Skeggoms as part of the blog name. I'm also going to link it to a friends website that also a film major at the U that helps me make these ideas come to life. check out Blooming Filmmaking on FB.


  1. What the're a fight choreographer?!?!?! And can recite Shakespeare off the top of your head. How eclectic. (You can laugh at that word if you want :)

  2. More power to you, Kent. Glad you caught the spirit of my little rant, which I do hope will have exactly the effect that it seems to be having on you: take control of your online identity, your own education, and do something you believe in. Sounds like you are on your way. God's speed.
