Tuesday, February 28, 2012

response to Anne

I think it's very possible that both of them loved each other very much. But I think the basis for that love was founded on the wrong ideals. I believe that they loved each other more for looks and position than who they were on the inside. A classic example of this that came to mind (and don't judge me) was that of the TV show GREEK.

It's a show about college life in fraternities and sororities. One of the major characters is named Evan Chambers.

He dates a girl in the third season because she's pretty and self confident, manipulating and quite honestly a Cleopatra. She dates him for his looks and his money (like millions in a trust fund).

Whereas they might actually like each others personality, and help when they can, you can't help but to feel a sense of uneasiness just looking at them. There's just not enough substance in their relationship, it's all about political (the Greek system wise) power. They have to prove their love to each other, rather than just loving. It's bad.

So there you go Anne, that's how I feel about Antony and Cleo

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