Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Personal Learning plan

How do I plan to make this semester course in Shakespeare meaningful to me? I feel like I already have a broad scope of the Bard's plays except for his romances. I have generally focused on his Histories and Tragedies. For one of my plays that I get to choose to read I think I'll read All's Well that Ends well. I've never read it or seen it. As for the other I think I'll pick a history. Perhaps Richard III. But I have time to pick that one.

As for a Critical view, I have had extensive experience with the Shakespeare's First Folio (aka his draft that he gave to the actors. He misspelled words and broke the rhythm of the lines on purpose as to help direct the actors through the words rather than having extensive stage directions). So instead of focusing on the language I think for me it'd be more important to read up on the historical relevance of the plays.

For Creatively engaging Shakespeare, I'd love to do another video of a segment of a play. I'm thinking specifically of a fight scene with dialogue, so not only will our minds be enriched by acting of the words, but also our inner child will be entertained by staged sword play, or a knife fight. I would actually like to enlist the help of some good buddies of mine that helped me do some other projects, namely those who did the Coriolanus play with me last summer, but I don't know if that's allowed.

I would love to talk to people about Shakespeare on a daily basis, but I'm going to have to go out of my way for that one. All of my co-workers hate Shakespeare and my family doesn't much care for it either. Looks like a time to put Facebook to work by means of statuses and chats.

Gaining a digital literacy interests me specifically in the production department. I think it would be cool to write out a sonnet every once in a while, or make a video of what people can remember of Shakespeare's lines off the top of their heads. I've never really tried to put these kinds of things into mass production before.

This is an extremely long post, but I hope I covered my bases since the terms of the assignment were fairly vague. Here goes nothing!

1 comment:

  1. You have great ideas! I love the one about making a video about asking people what quotes they remember off the top of their heads. Genius. Seriously.
